An African from the Diaspora wrote on her Facebook wall ‘Black people are sold as slave in Lybia and the World is doing nothing’. I told her, ‘We are the world. Did you write to your senator? Did write to your congressman? Did you go to your pastor, imam, or priest to ask what is […]
Dynasties Rules
Ideologies come and go Like fashion Political parties come and go Like summer flies Leaders come and go Like butterflies Unlike the thunder Don’t roar or parade In silence speaks loud In discretion show off In ruthlessness get your way In compassion win hearts In wisdom fool the people Pledge allegiance to no ideology Tie […]
A Developed country and the others
A developed country is a country where foreigners are immigrants, are the poorest, are the exploited and mistreated ones. A poor country is a country where foreigners have higher social status than the locals, are called expatriates, are wealthier, and date the nicest girls while exploiting the locals. If you are poorer than foreigners in […]
Peace of mind and never ending happiness
This is your ticket to peace of mind and never ending happiness The world would always be in crisis. This will not change. There has never been any time in history where the world was not in a kind of crisis. The permanent status of the world is permanent crisis, and more crises after more […]
Healthy people don’t need a doctor
Why you have to be very careful with christians? Because they are following Jesus. In the BuyBull, in Mark 2:16, Jesus said “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do. I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I came to invite sinners.” That’s very clear. Jesus did not come […]
Romanticizing Sacrifice
Many things in life are too difficult to bear with without tricking humans to accept it. Humans are lazy, but a huge literature has been constructed around work to romanticize it to the point where humans in majority now love to work. Some even kill themselves at work forgetting their own wellbeing. Being in couple […]
Knowledge loves money
Where is money, knowledge prospers. Knowledge should be watered with money to grow. Without investing heavily on knowledge production, like knowledge factories, everything you get is repetition disguised as novelty because the audience is ignorant of antecedent. When thinkers are hungry they spend most of their time their insulting, critiquing, becoming bitter and bitter to […]
Difference between science and non-science
The simplest answer is this. Every topic that is taught at schools with the same content, with the same books in Moscow, Washington, Beijing, Teheran, and Bengal is science. In the contrary, any topic which content, books and approach is different in Moscow, different in Pyongyang, different in Beijing, different in New York is not […]
Joyless success or Joyful outcast
The world seems to give a choice between plague and cholera 1. Joyless success 2. Joyful outcast If you are the kind who like social status, accolades, stamps and titles, you accept the sacrifices of a joyless success. If you are the kind who give no fuck about stamps and respectability but also refuse misery, […]
Behavioral Inheritance tax
There are ways of speaking, sitting, looking, acting, reacting, that are inherited from childhood. Some are lucky to be born in families that left them with behaviors that create a virtuous circle around them. They’ve got a great behavioral inheritance. Some are totally unlucky, they inherited behaviors that create a negative loop in a vicious […]