‘I must study politics and war, that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.’ John Adams Descendants of Barbarians are always much better off than the descendants of civilized people. If you don’t believe me, ask the Germans and the vikings descendants. The current world elite is dominated by them from Washington […]
Category: Geopolitics
Natural inequality and a Case for Imperialism
Inequality in nature is obvious. Some people are genetically luckier than other. They are more handsome, more beautiful, healthier, smarter, or born in the right family, country or city. It might look unfair, make some jealous but we can’t make everyone look ugly because you are ugly. Nature seems to allocate more ressources to some […]
Raising the African Child to Conquer the World
This post is for African parents who believe Africa need great rulers to free our continent and go on to conquer the world with our humanist values Dear African parents, You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. We however have something in common. We are Africans, and we have children to raise. As […]
Debunking a Dangerous idea: Africa Unity
The dream of little schooled African man is to make Africa to become like Europe or America. In his little skull of colonized man, deprived of agency, mimicking the master, he supposedly fought to get independence, is seen as his future. Europe has European Union; therefore, Africa needs Africa Union. America has the United States […]
Racism: What is the Problem?
We are not victim of white supremacy, we are victim of black weakness. The right diagnosis leads to better treatment. Black weakness is our problem and it’s our responsibility. We are disrespected, mistreated, colonized, because we are weak, not because we are black. That is it! Justice is possible only between equals.
Power Respects Only Power
During slavery, there were lot of people protesting. Regardless of their protests, slavery of Africans lasted over 300 years. During colonisation, there were lot of people protesting it. Regardless of their protests, African direct colonisation lasted 200 years, and still is going. Why did those protests fail? Powerless people making moral noises and calling to […]
Why Are African Americans so Vulnerable?
It’s not because you are unlucky, born orphan and handicapped that the laws of gravity stop applying to you, or you get a waver. Indians in America have the country India as a backing nation. The Chinese have China. The Russians have Russia. The Turks have Turkey. Armenians have Armenia. Mexicans have Mexico. The Arabs […]
Africa SHOULD be Recolonized
Yes, Africa SHOULD be Recolonized, But this time by us, Africans. To be African nowadays in Africa is to be an outcast. If you worship our ancestors and practice Vodun, you demonized If you keep your natural hair and dress african, you are ridiculed If you speak and write in our mother languages, you look […]
14 African Countries Forced By France To Pay Colonial Tax For The Benefits Of Slavery And Colonization
Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today! When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of french colonial empire, and opted for the country indepen- dence, the french colonial elite in Paris got so furious, and in a historic act of […]
Africa Top 10 Problems: Not the ones You were thinking about!
Africa is not poor. Africa is a rich continent inhabited by poor people. Once we fix the people problem, everything else will fall into place. In this post, I share what I consider to be the top 10 problems affecting the people ability to fix themselves and subsequently take control of their destiny. 1. The […]